2020: Onward to Salvation

2020: Onward to Salvation

Happy New Year! The Roaring 20s’ celebrates its centennial anniversary. We’ve come a long way from prohibition and the great war, but we still have a long way to go as a society. I’ve been thinking a lot about the errors I’ve made in 2019 and how to remedy them for the future. I’d like to think my advice is helpful and these 5 tips will help us all succeed in 2020. Some of them may not apply and some may seem generic, but these are all excellent ways to improve your mental well-being.

#1. Drink Less



Don’t be a Borracho! Drinking has caused me so many heavy mood shifts in the past year. It’s a coping mechanism for me, a crutch to reduce the ills and malaise of the world. I’ve had to waste far too many days being hungover and being unable to complete the goals I’ve listed below. By not completing my goals, I feel stuck and can’t see the positive changes I’ve already made in 2019. Alcohol dims painful memories, but it also hinders you from seeing your clear future. There are certainly creative nights necessary for the assistance of alcohol, but I’ll strive to drink far less.

#2. Write More


I turned 30 this year and this is the age I’ll try to write a novel. I’m not certain I’ll succeed, but I have been working on a collection of mental health stories from the clients I’ve worked with as a counselor. I’ll set some deadlines for myself and try my best to meet them. The list of short stories continues to grow and I’ve got 5 years of experience to pull from. At the least, I’ll continue to contribute to this blog. Writing isn’t hard for me, but forcing myself to get organized and avoiding all the distractions of the computer is a continuous challenge. (If you’re not a writer, consider learning a new language, playing an instrument, or finding a new creative hobby).

Maybe I’ll make these turkey meatballs.

Maybe I’ll make these turkey meatballs.

#3. Cook More

2018 and 2019 have been financially challenging for me. I enjoy cooking, but saving money is the real motivator here. Despite doing exceptionally well in the markets, I still have a lot of debts to pay off. A couple injuries left me struggling to pay off student loans and the leftover medical bills. By continuing to focus on limiting my meals to about $4.00 to $5.00 each, I’ll launch myself further toward the goal of financial independence. Also, I really like cooking and would love to hear about some new recipes! In 2019, I was incredibly excited making a roasted red pepper soup. Unfortunately, it turned out horribly. I got 2 meals out of the soup and yuck. Better luck next time! If your recipe turns out poorly, don’t feel too bad. You’re still saving a ton of money by cooking at home.


#4. Exercise More (Yeah, pretty basic, I know)

This is another way to improve mental health. Exercising daily is a lofty goal, but a few times a week is doable. The hardest part is getting into the routine of it. I’ve been good at dieting minus the drinking, but getting to the gym after work is difficult. I’ll see if I can figure out some more ways to work out at home and maybe even run around my neighborhood. I don’t know how I’ll succeed at this goal, but I’m motivated to discover new exercises. The challenging part is always money. Those yoga classes get pricey, but they are cheaper than going to the bar. I’ll try hitting the gym 3 times per week and go from there. It’s all about changing behaviors and sticking to the habit.


#5. Get Organized

This is the most important goal I need to work on for 2020. I’m terribly unorganized and create too many new projects to ever complete. There’s several concepts I intend to add to the blog. I’ve put them off due to trying to increase my traffic. I’ll set a deadline of February 2020 to complete them all. I’ve received some donations and will be making merchandise for my website, putting ads on the blog, and becoming an Amazon Affiliate in the hope to make this blog profitable. I’ll also be redoing my Patreon to include different personalized rewards like buttons, stickers, and even hand-written thank you notes for your support. I’m incredibly efficient at the projects I complete, but my organizational skills will need work. I’ve set some lofty, but achievable goals for 2020.

Leave a comment about some of the goals you hope to accomplish in the new decade.

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