King David

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IT Chapter 2: Lessons for Millennials [Spoilers]

I had the chance to see “IT Chapter 2” and thought the movie provided some valuable meta commentary for Millennials. Online bullying and toxicity are a major problem facing our generation and younger users. Facebook arguments lead to us feeling miserable and alienated. From those arguments, bullying and harassment ensues. IT’s a scary monster that’s taken on the persona of a clown with a big scary mouth full of teeth, but really, like the Internet troll, IT’s nothing more than a bully that feeds on power and fear. IT’s true power is spreading that fear throughout the town of Derry, Maine as the troll spreads throughout the world.

In the start of the film, Stanley Uris and his partner head back to his hometown where they’re attending a local carnival. Stanley lets a little girl win a carnival game and the couple heads home. They’re quickly degraded and then brutally attacked by 4 teenagers after they see the two men kissing each other. The attackers throw Stan’s partner off the bridge in a blatantly homophobic act. Spectators watch from afar, but neglect to intervene. He’s then found by Pennywise the Clown. Pennywise takes a big ol’ bite out of the man and drags him down to the sewers. Stanley is beyond devastated, returns home, and kills himself. Another scene of hatred shows two men looking at Mike Hamlin, plotting to burn down his home because he’s Black and they don’t like Black people in rural Derry. Another character, Beverly Marsh, ends up in an abusive marriage. This seems normal to her having grown up with an abusive father.

The characters don’t have a lot in common as adults, but as kids they formed the “Losers’ Club”. Maybe they were losers, but losers stick together. Social supports are overwhelmingly positive in fighting bullying and alienation. There is always strength in numbers. When you see that asshole spouting racist garbage on social media or your family members spreading racist commentary, call them out. Be a Loser. I’d rather be a loser with some close friends than a bully with none.

In the last act of the movie, the Losers go head to head with IT in its original form. IT turns out to be a giant spider. After a struggle with some fearsome illusions and losing one of their own, they defeat Pennywise by berating it and by making IT feel small and worthless. IT’s power reveled through spreading fear. After being on the painful side of insults and unfortunate truths, IT began to shrink from a giant spider into a sad, worthless, and undistinguished clown. Mike reached into IT’s chest and pulled out IT’s beating heart. The Losers’ Club all take a piece of the heart and squeeze. IT' dies.

The movie was decent overall, but the scares and spooks weren’t what I liked about it. Bill Hader’s comic relief was great — and there’s no denying that he’s a funny guy. The central message from the film engendered “Stop clowning around and don’t be like IT”. Call out racism, abuse, and homophobia when you see it. Don’t be a bully. Stop the real clowns from terrorizing your friends! If you ignore the bullies like the bystanders in the film, they will only grow more powerful. Choose light over darkness and hope over fear!