Rent Strike! Why are We still Paying?

Rent Strike! Why are We still Paying?

Times have changed, quickly. I first compared COVID-19 spread to that of MERS and SARS in early February. I laughed it off. Surely, the virus will never reach California! It’s now May 1st and this is my 45th day of quarantine. Normally, I’d be marching in solidarity with my fellow workers on May Day, praising the former union members who gave me the right to the weekend!

This novel coronavirus didn’t seem that contagious and I figured the virus would be contained to Asia. I couldn’t have been more wrong! While MERS and SARS had higher death rates, COVID-19 spread with an outstretched red right hand. I really thought that 2020 was really going to be our year. I’m also one of the fortunate to have a regular paycheck during the crisis. I’m not here to advocate for myself, but for my constituents. So, if you’re out of a job, why should you be forced to pay rent?

Why should landlords stand to gain from your misfortune and suffering? Why is rent still due if evictions have been temporarily outlawed? I can understand paying some rent with unemployment, but what about your impending student loans, and credit card debt, medical bills, and other bills of no fault of your own? What happens when the unemployment runs out? If you’re without a job or income in a global pandemic, you should be exempt from rent or other bills. While the government is happy to bail out large corporations, often without restrictions on stock buybacks, shouldn’t they be able to help you out as a worker? Workers pay taxes and a large portion of their paycheck is given to government programs. While taxes are necessary, surely the Feds should be providing more to some citizens than a measly $1200 in a time of crisis.

Landlords made an investment with considerable risks. Owning property does not entitle you to automatic income! If I buy a stock and the value goes down, that’s a decision I have to live with. If Intel decides to reverse its dividend to save the corporation’s cash flow, that’s something I can’t predict as a small-time investor. If states and localities enact rent control, that’s a risk those landlords have to take.  Why don’t more landlords recognize that providing housing for someone is a far greater opportunity than sending them into debt and eventual homelessness? Why is rent such a casual concept on a global scale? Why are elected officials so eager to aid homeowners and not renters? Demand that your elected officials provide you and your neighbors with adequate renters’ protections and debt forgiveness in times of hardship. The message is simple. If you have no income, don’t pay rent.

Don’t deplete your savings for the sake of making your landlord richer. They’ve been collecting rent from you and providing far less in return for the sake of their greed. As a tenant, I’ve dealt with roaches, leaks, and a flooded apartment. When my old apartment flooded, the landlord had the chutzpah to ask me to clean up the mess. Later on, that same landlord would return only half of my security deposit. In a 12 unit building that’s been fully occupied for years, they were making a fortune! What power to buy a building! I’ve had friendly and approachable landlords, too, but my negative experiences far outweigh the good.

If you have the money and a solid income, there’s no shame in keeping the regular cycle going. Those who’ve held property for decades and centuries will continue to rule over the poor. While it seems idealistic to demand free housing, it’s not out of reach. There are over 17 million vacant homes in America! Housing is a human right, yet we have thousands sleeping on the streets and in crammed cars. Landlords must take a risk on their investments and are not entitled to automatic income. Renters deserve the same protections homeowners do. No one deserves to live on the street. If rent comes due and you can’t pay, organize!


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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


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