Creating: Lots of Wondrous Ideas, but then Inadequacy hits

Creating: Lots of Wondrous Ideas, but then Inadequacy hits

I’ve been updating this blog for a month now. I enjoy writing and find it pleasurable to converse with my audience over social media. Still, I’ve got a long list on the “to write” list that just never seems to materialize into anything. My phone has an ever growing list of ‘things to write about’. I’m hoping to find some motivation to get started. Here’s some notes from my jotter-pad that I hope to comment on.

  1. Yoga and dealing with the Trader Joes’ Parking lot.

  2. Koreatown: The best (and most urban) neighborhood in LA

  3. Strass-Howe Theory and what it means for our generation

  4. Everyone’s favorite monster: Sarah Huckabee Sanders

  5. Digital Hoarding

  6. Politicians not condemning war criminals and fanatics (Sarsour—Farrakhan, Sanders—Maduro)

  7. My 1st Iftar experience and how a 7 year old beat me at Mariokart

  8. The Uncanny Valley and the future of humanoid robots

  9. Why are there no White Sox fans in LA (Hint: Cubs fans have more money)?

I’d like to spend an afternoon writing about all of these topics. I don’t have writer’s block, but the list keeps on expanding. I’m highly introspective, but I’m discovering it’s harder than I thought to sit down after a long day at work, think, stare at my bright screen, and get to typing. Millennials were meant to create and we do. And we could be creating a hell of a lot more without the stresses of work.

Taking that first step of writing and fighting through the feelings of inadequacy, criticism, and failure is a tough pursuit. Even though this post is small, it gives me hope for the future. I’ve sat down in my chair and stared into my monitor’s soul. I start to think and my fingers respond by typing and this gives me courage. Whether you’re an amateur or experienced writer, artist, poet or producer, you’ve got to start somewhere. Stare inadequacy in the eyes, tune out your deficiencies, and tune in to the act of creating.

The First Time I Played Online

The First Time I Played Online

On Abortion

On Abortion